Mind Body Coaching for Anxiety 

One-to-One Coaching for Anxiety

Investment: £150 £75 Per Week 
Personal One to One Coaching - Learn a 30 minute high performance game which you can use for every scenario where you think you might get anxious. Play the game FIRST, then go back into the scenarios that used to cause you fear and see what happens!
NLP High Performance Games - Let your unconscious mind take full control of the change and have multiple new behaviours in the situation you want in 30 minutes. Learn a completely new technology which is so easy that children can play it. By creating a high performance resourceful state, we can train the brain to overcome the anxiety state and replace it when you need it most. 
Breathing - Learn how to create a resource anchor through controlled breathing, 
Mindset - Developing a Compelling Future, NLP High Performance Games, Gratitude, Empowerment, Perception is Projection, Fulfilment, Personal Growth, Working on your Strengths, Building Congruency, Competence and Curiosity, Building Communication skills
Finding Models of Excellence - Looking at Real World Results
Access to Online Courses - Brand New Turn Anxiety into Confidence Hub
Dealing with your Inner Voice - Building Unconscious Conscious Rapport, Meditation, Using your Inner Resources, Building Self Awareness, Learning to communicate with your Unconscious Mind
Mindfulness and Anxiety

What to Expect:

1st SessionInformation Gathering – Understanding your model of the world, how your problem is a problem to you, daily habits, your resources, future plans and goal setting, intention, mental strategies, anchors, breathing, submodalities etc.
2nd – 4th Session – NLP High Performance Games, Releasing Negative Emotions, Breaking Neurological Patterns, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Techniques, Online courses, Tasks, Meditation, Breathing Techniques, Personal Development Training, etc.
Can be carried out by Telephone Coaching, WhatsApp, Face to Face, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
Communication Training for Social - Meta Model Violations, Learning to direct conversations, Listening skills, Asking the Right Questions, Chunking, Responding to People, Building Rapport, Eye Patterns, Dealing with People who are predominantly Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic
Unique Mind-Body Education – Learn how to never be reliant on Mental Health Services (All One-to-One Clients have access to The MindBody Project Gold Membership Courses whilst a client)
Techniques for Anxiety

Live Online Turn Anxiety into Confidence - 2 Day Course 

Dates:  2nd - 3rd Nov 2024
Location:  Zoom
Investment: £250 £125
Perception is Projection
What is Anxiety?
Triad of Anxiety
Breaking Patterns
Changing Physiology
Changing Focus
Changing Language Patterns
3 Common Meta Model Violations  
Tapping Techniques
NLP Techniques
NLP Rationale
Breath of Life Technique
Sanctuary Technique
NLP High Performance Games
Real World Applications of NLP
Dealing with Social Anxiety
Performance Anxiety
Public Speaking
Creating Neurological Choices
Changing Mood/State Quickly
Confidence and Self Esteem 
FIFA 2 Game created by Eldeen Thorne
Alpha Dance Game created by Eldeen Thorne 
How to deal with Anxiety

Turn Anxiety into Confidence - Background

Richard Bandler (Co-creator of NLP, Creator of Neuro-Hypnotic Re-patterning (NHR), Creator of Design Human Engineering (DHE)) once told a story of a man who purposely used to get into psychotic rages. If you can imagine the scene, a man swearing, beating a pillow as hard as he could, snot and drool flying out of his mouth and nose. The man would then look at his watch and like a light switching off, he would stop and fold up his pillow and put it back in his car. When Dr Bandler asked him what he was doing, the man replied, “I was releasing my anger”.

What this man was really doing was reinforcing the emotion of anger, or in other words, practising to be better at becoming angry.

Feelings and emotions help us to remember experiences better which is why people can always remember where they were on 9/11 or their first kiss. The brain builds up concepts and ideas through associative memory which is inter-connected in the neural network of the brain. This is basically like a very complex circuit with billions of connections.

When you have a new experience, it allows circuits in the brain to formulate, which then releases chemicals, which then make emotions and feelings. Feelings and emotions are the end product of experience. If you practice something over and over again, then you will be firing off the same circuits over and over again which develops into a long term relationship with the other nerve cells and creates an Identity.

The problem is that there are some people who, not knowingly, are practising suffering, hurt, anger, frustration and being a victim, and because they are firing off the same circuits over and over again, it becomes easier and easier to do the process of creating the negative emotions. People who are experiencing this may feel they are going round and round in a circle of negativity.

Your unconscious mind is like a bed of soil. It will grow any seed that you CHOOSE to plant in it, good or bad!

According to research from Tad James (Creator of Time Line Therapy), negative emotions are not safe for the body and can lead to the following health problems:

Anger – Heart Attack, Heightened Cholesterol
• Sadness – Weakened Immune System, Depression
• Fear – Excessive Stress, Phobia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Guilt – Lower Healing Energy
• Conflict - Cancer

Our memories around a certain subject are stored in a Gestalt, which is often connected like a string of pearls. All through our lives we have experiences and the unconscious mind will categorise each experience and emotion.

So it will have a string of pearls for anger, happiness, sadness, fear and so on. For example, a phobia typically starts before the age of seven (but can start a lot later) and it is a learned behavioural response

The highest prime directive of the unconscious mind is to protect you and sometimes due to a significant emotional event, the unconscious mind will have high emotions attached to this memory giving you a dramatic behavioural response when it is triggered off.

All associations and experiences continue to be stored in the same Gestalt reinforcing this response. (Really it’s the internal image that a person is scared of and not what’s in the external world. i.e. the unconscious mind will associate the current external image to the highly emotional picture from the past and that triggers the behavioural response. This is why it is quite easy to significantly help people with a phobia).

Due to our cultural system in the UK, it has made it easy for us to not to accept responsibility. The attitude that we will all be taken care of, whilst having a good intention, means that it makes it very hard for people to get out of this process.

Due to recent cuts the government are attempting to change but people are now being told they have to be really bad to get help. The change is very radical. This means that very quickly people are going to have to be in charge of their own health and wellbeing or they will have to get really low to get help from the state. I think these two stances are very wide apart and many people will need help and better options than this.

At the moment there are lots of pills being given to many people to help with depression, anxiety and so on. This is one option and seems to be the main option by G.P’s because of time restraints (limited to 10 minutes per appointment), and waiting lists for talking therapies are too high. It does help people by changing the chemistry in their body and changing their emotions but it’s not in the client’s internal control.

In my opinion, this is ok for short-term relief but many people become reliant on them because their brain is still hardwired to create negative emotions. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. This means the client will constantly need pills and will not have the learning’s needed to be in control of their own emotions.

In a working context negative emotions can be built up too. If a person forced to associate to a task where there is no conscious positive intention for them, then they will have negative emotional connections with the task and perform poorly as a result. They will procrastinate and they will struggle at the task. The unconscious mind is eager to make you feel good, and therefore will attempt to pull you away from the task creating conflict and lower energy. This will in turn mean that the person has more days off work. So if you are a manager you must recognise this and develop good reframing and negotiation skills to get the best performance from your team.

Sometimes it can be limiting when a person is firing off the same emotions and attitudes on a daily basis and can find they are not going anywhere. This is due to the brain getting hardwired and then the emotions becoming fired off automatically (In CBT they call this Negative Automatic Thoughts) and this can be a challenge. Thoughts change the chemistry in our body.

People can become so consumed by their emotions of certain experiences (Victim, suffering, sadness, fear, anger, insecurity etc) that their feeling becomes their way of thinking. These people are living in the past because the feelings are from some past event. If you are experiencing something emotionally charged from the past, it changes the reality of what is really going on NOW! If you then try to create a future based on feeling, then you will create more of what happened in the past because you will only create a reality on how you are hardwired. So all you will create is more of what you know because that is all you know.

To change would mean that you need to abandon your old self and leave behind your Identity. You have to modify your behaviour permanently. The thing is, all behaviour is learned. This means that you can learn new behaviours so that you can then have more CHOICE.

To create a new future, we have to leave the feelings of the past behind and abandon the way of feeling as a means of thinking. This involves breaking the association that is attached in the circuits of the brain. This can be done by Time Line techniques which involve going back into the past and asking the unconscious mind what it needs to learn in order to ‘let go’ of the emotions. Learning from an event means that you are making new connections at the neurological level. Remembering the learning’s reinforce the new connections and will mean you will become hardwired differently and therefore you will experience more choice and flexibility with your emotions.

The unconscious mind is the main controller of body functions and will attempt to communicate with you from time to time prompting you to be consciously aware that there is something that you need to pay attention to. Due to many people being unaware of this, they will usually take a pill to get rid of the feeling, emotion or pain. The thing is, this can continue on for a long, long time and can mean a struggle for this person.

What is Anxiety? Tad James (Creator of Time Line Therapy) says, ‘Anxiety is a warning from the unconscious mind to focus on what you want!’

Milton Erickson once said, “Patients are my patients because they do not have rapport with their unconscious mind. People who are in rapport with their unconscious mind are in control”.

When there is a lack of rapport with their unconscious mind is when a client says something like, ‘Part of me wants to do this..... but another part of me wants to do that’ or ‘I really want to do this.... but something is stopping me’.

A client of mine was taking pills for a pain in their shoulder and had been for years. The unconscious mind was attempting to communicate that the shoulder needed paying attention to. A simple sports massage was all it needed to stop the pain. The client suffered for a number of years when they didn’t really need to.

Dealing with negative emotions can be a challenge if you are doing it with your conscious mind because emotions are unconscious signals. Communicating with your unconscious mind in an altered state using Time Line Techniques, hypnosis, meditation, and NLP New Code can all help dramatically and very quickly.

Remember the man that told Richard Bandler he was ‘releasing his anger’? Richard’s response was to tell the man to stop practising at getting results you do not want, and start practising at getting results you do want!

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