Answering your Questions 

Any vitamins that help with Anxiety and Depression?

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency are a major factor in Depression. The body and mind cannot function properly and can cause depression within days!

Why is it that depression screws up every part of my life at once?

Perception is Projection. If you feel bad on the inside, you will perceive bad on the outside. But the reality is far different.

Why am I finding it so hard to change? 

Change requires a plan for both the Unconscious Mind and Conscious Mind. Change requires more energy than normal because 90% of your daily behaviours are on auto pilot!

I’ve been promoted at work and my anxiety is crippling me to the point that I want to resign. What can I do? 

Anxiety (Fear) is created at a higher logical level than linguistics (language). It requires you to communicate with the unconscious mind to resolve the issue. To do this, you must go into an altered state (Alpha Brain Wave). This is something you already do regularly. 

Is writing a gratitude journal a good idea? 

Using an empowering or gratitude journal rather than a journal to write down negative thoughts is a far better idea. If you train the brain for negativity, you will get more negativity. If you train the brain for more positivity, you will get more positive states.

Ask yourself:

'What is the intention?'
'What are you training the brain to do for you?'

I get super dizzy when my anxiety flares up. What can I do?

Being super dizzy could be because of numerous things. As I've mentioned before many times, there is no mental health. There is ONLY Mind Body Health. By having the mindset of trying to split up the mind and body, you already take away your solutions before you start.

One of the things a lot of people used to say to me growing up was, "take care of yourself because no one else will".
By making sure that your daily behaviours serve your mind and body well, only then will we know what issues you may have. The fact of the matter is 60-70% of people have health problems from their daily health habits.

I give up too easily. What can I do?

There are many of you that turn the process of goal setting into a painful chore by the way you set it up. You then give up.
SMART goals are used by average people, not by high performers. The problem with SMART goals is the 'Realistic' part. You are judging based upon your current capabilities, and therefore setting a goal based upon what you already know how to do. The unconscious mind then has nothing to change, i.e. no development or growth.

The whole point of setting a goal is to develop and grow as a person.


You need to set goals that you think are beyond what you are capable of doing, but yet if you did somehow manage to achieve it, it would be the best thing EVER!!

The point is the Constant and Never-Ending Improvement (CAN-I). Even if you don't reach the stars, you will progress dramatically, enjoy the journey, and be happy in the process.

The news has made my depression and anxiety worse. Is this normal?

The News is based off true stories but is not necessarily true. The news is about getting your attention with headlines to sell stories. As a person trained in hypnotherapy, they are using the same language patterns which are designed to bypass your unconscious mind to get the maximum effects.

The news media know that negativity sells. Making you think the world is falling apart is much more profitable than telling you the world is a great place with wonderful people. So if you watch the news on a regular basis, expect to feel bad because it is designed this way.

How can I balance (increase) happy hormones inside my brain?

One of the major flaws of how we deal with mental health is that we think our feelings predominantly come from the brain, they don't. This is why when you are 'trying' to think your way into a positive state, it can be difficult.

Most of you 'feel-good' chemicals are created in the gastrointestinal tract (Gut). Your gut and brain are directly linked and have bi-directional communication. If you have a problem in the body, you will feel it mentally. If you think negatively, it will affect your body and especially your gut.

The good news is if you heal your gut, the brain will follow! Your mind cannot be healthy without your body because they are the same system. it's not 'mental health', it's 'MIND BODY HEALTH'.

How can I deal with Brain Fog associated with Depression?

Causes of Brain Fog can include:
1. Leaky Gut
2. Food Allergies and Intolerances - gluten, dairy
3. Dehydration
4. Medication - Anti-Depressants, Anti-Psychotics,
5. Nutrient Deficiencies - lack of magnesium, iron, Vit B, D
6. Sugar
7. Insulin Resistance or Pre-diabetes
8. Gastric Reflux - Eating big meals in the evening and laying down
9. Muscle Tension - May need massage, stretches
10. Sleeping Tablets
11. Lack of oxygen
12. Poor Posture
13. Lack of Exercise or Too much Exercise
14. Stress
15. Burnout

How do I deal with the trauma that is causing my anxiety and depression? Kaluli Tribe research from Stephen Ilardi

"A correlation between depression and modernisation predicts a very low prevalence among hunter-gatherers.
In effect, humans have dragged a body with a long hominid history into an overfed, malnourished, sedentary, sunlight-deficient, sleep-deprived, competitive, inequitable, and socially-isolating environment with dire consequences".

I’m struggling with Agoraphobia. I just lay in bed. What can I do? 

Compared to Depression and Anxiety, Phobias are actually the simplest to deal with because it's so specific. They are also the most intense. Phobias are learned behaviours (some are mistakenly learned). Remember, your unconscious minds highest prime directive is to protect the integrity of the body at all costs, so anything it perceives as life threatening will invoke an intense fear. There is a simple technique you can do to break this pattern which lasts for good!

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