Frequently Asked Questions

What is Depression?

Depression is a set of symptoms that happen when the functioning of the mind and body are impaired causing systemic inflammation, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction. This usually happens when either: 

1) The body is not being given what it needs to operate all systems in the mind and body, for example, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids
2) The body and mind is being given something that detrimentally affects the operation of it, such as too many processed foods, alcohol, and poor lifestyle choices

Traumas and Significant Emotional Events can trigger our Stress Response Baseline Behaviours. But if a person hasn't learned empowering stress response behaviours from an early age, the disempowering stress response behaviours can lead to inflammation, and therefore Depression. Humans are designed to deal with a certain level toxins, but the unhealthy lifestyles can be too much for our mind and body to operate at an effective level with the current societal demands.

What is a Phobia?

A phobia is an unconscious response to a very specific trigger that has been been learned, usually before the age of 7 years old. The brain is a fantastic learning machine with a prime directive of preserving the integrity of the mind and body system. A phobic reaction is a very intense reaction to the stimulus.

When a significant emotional event happens, the brain unconsciously scans the environment in minute detail (visual, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes). When the brain detects a stimuli that is not normally there (E.g. Bird, Spider, Bug, etc), the brain assumes that the stimuli must have caused the danger and remembers it (Association - Bird = Danger). Any time that stimuli comes back, the brain kicks off a fight, flight or freeze response to the stimuli as it assumes it is dangerous. 

Phobias are not rational or logical, but rather are the result of unconscious learned behaviour that have been programmed into the mind. 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is also a learned behaviour based on the principle that your unconscious mind is hardwired to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

When you have a significant emotional event happen in your life that is harmful, your self-defence mechanisms turn on to protect you. Your brain learns to avoid any chance of getting into the same situation because the last time it caused pain.

With Anxiety, your brain can overgeneralise so the fear is broader. For example, if you are made fun of during a presentation and you find it challenging, the brain will automatically assume ALL presentations will cause pain and embarrassment. You will then become anxious about doing anything that resembles a presentation.

What is Hypnotherapy?

It is a naturally occurring phenomenon in all human beings, using the unlimited power of the unconscious mind rather than the limited power of the conscious mind to take charge of implementing the changes. To have accelerated change, we get into a relaxed (Alpha Brain Wave) state, which changes how the brain works. The more relaxed you are, the less emotions you have. The less emotions you have, the more your brain works. This means we can ask the unconscious mind to implement the changes, which it can do in a fraction of the time

What are Time Line Techniques?

A powerful technique using a relaxed state to find the ‘root cause’ of the problem. To find internal resources by using internal timelines to go into the past or future to release negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt, conflict, jealousy, hurt.

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) was co-created in the 1970’s by John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Frank Pucelik (who was also involved at the beginning) by modelling Virginia Satir (Meta Model), Fritz Pearls, and Milton Erikson (Milton Model). The Co-Creators then separated to continue their own work. Grinder, Delozier (Initially) & Bostic-St Clair created NLP New Code. Bandler went on to create Design Human Engineering (DHE) and Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning (NHR) with John La Valle.

NLP ‘Classic Code’ is anything done between 1973 and early 1979. John Grinder recognised a flaw in NLP Classic code and went on to create NLP New Code (1984 onwards). The flaw was that many practitioners were helping others get really great results, but were not using the techniques on themselves for their own lives. 

What is NLP New Code?

NLP New Code is an updated version of NLP. It makes things far easier for the practitioner and the client. The other major difference is that in NLP New Code, the unconscious mind is involved in every step of the process. If the unconscious mind isn't in charge of every step of the change process, the change will not last.

1) 'Process' V 'Content' - The Mind Body Performance Strategist does not need to know your problem ('Content' or the specific details) in order to help you! The Mind Body Performance Strategist will coach you through the 'Process' (i.e, the techniques).
2) ‘Clean’ Process - Because the coach doesn't know the content, there can be a 'Clean Process', without being able to manipulate the client’s content! This is really important! Once you are in the right state, you will be able to solve the problem as you already have the resources. Interfering in someone's content creates unconscious resistance, and any changes that happen will result in relapse. This is a big problem in mainstream mental health services.
3) ‘Clean’ Techniques – Logic, beliefs, are internal dialogue removed from the process. 
4) Your content and the practitioner’s content doesn’t interfere with the process. 

What are NLP High-Performance Games?

These games are created by The MindBody Project and use the NLP New Code Format, which was created by John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St Clair. 

These games focus on Breathing, Physiology, and State in the form of a progressive rhythmic game. They create a high-performance state or ‘the zone’ where you are performing so well and you don’t know how. We use this new empowering state to override the old anxiety state. This changes how the brain works, so rather than having fight, flight or freeze as choices, the unconscious mind now has access to all its resources. The unconscious mind will then create multiple new behaviours AUTOMATICALLY according to the situation.

The more you practice them, the higher and quicker you will be able to get into a high-performance state. Clients of The MindBody Project love these games because they can help you change your current state, very quickly. These games also do not require any history or content. The Mind Body Performance Strategist doesn't need to know your problem in detail. This is really useful for those who don't want to talk about their problem.

What if I have Anxiety and Depression?

What happens if I have Anxiety and Depression?
The price will remain the same and we will be able to work on both problems at the same time. Many people have Anxiety and Depression due to when you feel bad, you don't want to talk to people. 

We can do all sessions online so you can be in the comfort of your own living room. You will also have the online courses available whilst doing the sessions.

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